Message from the PTA Executive Board

Dear families,

We still need a co-recording secretary! If you have considered volunteering, this job is a great entry point to the Exec Board. All responsibilities are shared with your co-secretary.

Elections for the Parent Association Executive Board and School Leadership team will be held at our June PTA meeting on Thursday, June 16th, at 6pm.

Thank you so much to the parents who have already been nominated! Please click HERE to read about the candidates. Any legal guardian of an ICE student is eligible to run. All nominations are welcome. If you have questions, want more detailed descriptions of the roles, or just want to get more involved, email us at

Deadline to submit nominations is Sunday, June 12th since we need time to create the ballot for the virtual election platform.

We are super excited to see you all (in-person!) again at the ICE Spring Fling, our annual community celebration (and fundraiser)! This is a special event where parents/guardians, teachers, and staff come together to celebrate the wonderful community we cherish at our school, raise money for essential programs for our students, and dance the night away!

We need your help to pull this off. Here’s how:

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Day - Friday May 27th

Dear I.C.E. parents and guardians,

We will be celebrating our kind, diligent and hardworking Teachers and Staff members on Friday, May 27th.  Teacher & Staff Appreciation Day is our chance to express our gratitude for all the staffers do to make I.C.E. an engaging and nurturing learning community.

So how can you help? 

We primarily need monetary donations.

We know that this is a hard time for families -  financially and emotionally - this day will be a gift from ALL of us, no matter any one family’s ability to contribute. But, if you are able to contribute at this time, please consider all the different people on staff who help make up our wonderful I.C.E. community. 

We do need a few day-of volunteers to help coordinate in-school events as well as the remote ones.

We are looking for body care practitioners, people who can provide massages and body work, lead meditation/ yoga/ other classes, possibly in-person and on-line.   

*Please note that we will strictly follow COVID-19 protocols for the safety of teachers and practitioners.   

For monetary donations please use any of the following methods and again-thank you!:

1. Venmo* - @Alisa-Payne (last four digits of phone number x-3370)

2. PayPal* -

3. CashApp - $AlisaPayne

4.  Zelle Pay / Chase QuickPay: phone number 646-246-3370

*For Venmo/PayPal/CashApp please be sure to pay as a friend, family or donation so you or I don't incur any additional transaction charges.

Feel free to contact us via email at if you have questions, would like to volunteer or have suggestions on other ways to make I.C.E. Teacher/Staff Appreciation Day 2022 the best one yet.  

Thanks in advance for all your efforts!

The I.C.E. Teacher / Staff Appreciation team

Parent / Teacher Conferences - Both In Person and Virtual Options

Wednesday April 6 from 5 pm to 8 pm

Friday April 8 from 1 pm to 4 pm *HALF DAY FOR STUDENTS*

  • Conferences are 5 minutes each.

  • Please sign up for a separate conference with each of your child’s teachers.

  • Do not schedule back to back conferences to allow time to move between classrooms. We will not be meeting in the cafeteria as in the past.

  • CHOOSE IP (In Person) or V (Virtual). When you fill out the signup form, you will be asked to indicate if you would like an In Person (IP) or a Virtual (V) conference. NOTE: Some teachers have some hours that are VIRTUAL ONLY. This will be clearly indicated on the signup form.

  • Some teachers have limited availability. If you are not able to schedule a conference with one of your teachers, please reach out to them individually to set something up.

  • If your child regularly works with a special ed teacher, please know that they will be in attendance WITH a general ed teacher for at least ONE of your conferences.

Use this LINK to sign up for each of your child’s teachers. The link will go live on Wednesday March 30th at 6 pm.

Floor Plan

Room Assignments By Teacher

All Teacher Zoom Links

PTA Meeting Thursday March 17 @ 6pm

Founder and director of The Talk NYC, Rachel Lotus is presenting at our March PTA meeting. She will provide us with guidance on what to say, how to say it and when to begin talking with our kids about sex and sexuality, plus actionable tools, strong evidence to support their efficacy and a space to share concerns and get answers.

For more info about Rachel and The Talk go to her website


Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 677 110 0633
Passcode: 071011

PTA Meeting Thursday February 17 @ 6 pm

Staff, student, & parent perspectives on assessment @I.C.E.

Please join us tonight at 6pm for our meeting programmed by ICE PAC (Parent Action/Education Advocacy Committee.) We'll consider some of the ways that our school does and does not assess student learning. As a school in the New York Performance Standards Consortium, one of the most important ways that students at our school show what they know is via the PBAT, or performance-based assessment task. To demystify the PBAT we've invited our principal (Pete), a teacher (Josh), a current 12th grader (Elsa) and a recent grad (Owen) to join us on Thursday. They'll walk us through the nuts and bolts of the process and reflect on the value of the PBAT in the context of a larger educational environment that relies on standardized testing for student assessment. Members of ICE PAC will follow up that conversation by looking at historical and current developments in assessment and how these impact our children, our school, and maybe even us as parents. Hope to "see" you then!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 677 110 0633
Passcode: 071011

For Thursday December 23rd - Message from Pete

Dear ICE Families -

First I want to share plans for tomorrow, Thursday December 23rd. Due to the low attendance I am going to allow most staff to work from home tomorrow. All kids coming to school should report to room 508 (right across from the elevator) where I will be present to supervise students along with a few ICE staff members. We will hold synchronous CREW at 9 am, and classwork will be posted for all classes as it has been this week.

I want to take a moment and wish all of you a healthy and safe holiday week. I hope that you are able to enjoy your families in a safe way. For those of you celebrating Christmas - Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to you all. I look forward to getting past this spike in infections and returning to what was shaping up to be a great year.

Take Care, and see you in 2022!

I.C.E.'s Black Student Union Presents Michelle Browder

Here is a recording of the event in case you missed it.

Please join the Black Student Union at I.C.E. this Wednesday, December 8th at 6pm via zoom for a very special speaker, art activist Michelle Browder. This event, along with lessons that have been incorporated into Crew periods, has been organized by our Black Student Union for BLM Week of Action.

To read more about Michelle Browder, see the links below.

The event will be moderated by I.C.E. Senior Elsabet Franklin, leader of the Black Student Union.

The Mothers of Gynecology Park Website, includes Michelle's bio on the "meet the team" tab:

Washington Post article about her work:

ZOOM LINK for event