NYC DOE Health Screening to Enter School

All DOE employees, students, families, and visitors seeking to enter DOE buildings must complete a health screening before entering DOE facilities. This health screening must be completed on each day of arrival and results will reset at midnight of each day. Upon entering the facility you will be asked to provide the results of your screening either by showing your phone or a printout of the results.

There will also be the option of completing this form upon arrival at school.

On this same page there is also the option of adding this tool to your phone.

Todos los empleados, estudiantes, familias y visitantes del DOE que quieran entrar a los edificios del DOE deben hacerse un examen médico antes de entrar a las instalaciones del DOE. Este examen de salud debe completarse cada día de llegada y los resultados se reajustarán a la medianoche de cada día. Al entrar a las instalaciones se le pedirá que proporcione los resultados de su examen ya sea mostrando su teléfono o una copia impresa de los resultados.

También habrá la opción de completar este formulario al llegar a la escuela.

En esta misma página también hay la opción de añadir esta herramienta a su teléfono.

College Financial Aid Info Night - Wednesday September 30th

All families of high school students are welcome to attend.

PLEASE NOTE: You must register for this event in advance.

Everything You Need to Know About College Financial Aid
Wednesday, September 30th @7pm.

Here is the link to register.
Even if you cannot attend live, you will receive the recording along with slides from the presentation (but you still need to register).

Among other things, financial aid expert Matt Mulhern will discuss:

(1) Current Update On Corona Virus’ Impact on College Landscape
(2) Will you qualify for financial aid
(3)How to maximize aid eligibility
(4) What to do if you don't qualify for financial aid?
(5) How to present assets on financial aid applications – Home, 529’s, retirement, etc.
(6) Which colleges are the most generous
(7) How to leverage colleges against one another
(8) Overview and timeline of the financial aid process
(9) FAFSA & CSS/PROFILE tips and timelines
(10) Live Q & A


We are so excited to welcome everyone back to school on Wednesday September 16th! You will receive all the information you need to log on for the first day.

  • Wednesday September 16 - Friday September 18: 10am to 12pm ALL REMOTE

  • Monday September 21 - Friday September 25: 9:45am to 2pm ALL REMOTE

  • Monday September 28: NO SCHOOL - YOM KIPPUR

  • Tuesday September 29: First day of In-Person Learning

Check out our new FAQ page for School Re-Opening Questions


Two more Town Hall meetings THIS WEEK:

Wednesday September 16 at 6PM and Thursday September 17 at 7PM

Links will be sent by email. Please choose to attend just one of the meetings to leave room for everyone.

Town Hall Meetings September 9 and 10

We are holding two Town Hall meetings this week, to continue to discuss our school re-opening plans.

Wednesday September 9 at 6PM

Thursday September 10 at 7PM

Please choose only ONE meeting to attend. Both meetings will cover the same material and we will also record them. In addition, we will be creating an FAQ sheet to send out.

You should have received the links to these zoom meetings in your email. Please write to Lisa if you do not have the links.


There is as yet no word as to whether New York State will cancel upcoming math and ELA tests, scheduled to begin March 25. As one NYC teacher tweeted, "Anything that puts pressure on staff and students to show up when they don’t feel 100% is a no go." If the state won't take responsibility, you can; boycott the tests! Last year, 90% of ICE families refused (aka "opted out" of)  the tests for their children. If you would like to refuse for your 6th, 7th, or 8th grader, please fill out this form (or send your own note or email to Pete or Kristen indicating you want to opt your child out). For those of you who are used to signing opt out letters at parent-teacher conferences, please don't wait for that opportunity this time because who knows if they will even happen. 

Need to know more? Be on the lookout for additional info coming in your email from ICE PAC parents from your grade (this opt out campaign is a parent-to-parent initiative, not an official school one) by this weekend. In the meantime, if you are curious about the opt out movement, check out or NYC Opt Out on Facebook

Letter from Pete 

Dear ICE Families:

I hope that everyone in your families are healthy and well right now and I know we all are paying close attention to the news coming out about Coronavirus. I wanted to update you and let you know about our discussions and actions here at ICE and pass on requests of NYC families coming from DOE central.

First and foremost - if your child is exhibiting flu-like symptoms they should stay home without question. Please know the DOE has produced attendance codes related to this situation so children are not penalized or accountable for absences during this time. We will make sure that all kids' attendance records reflect this. If you or your child has come into contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 please keep your child home as well. Please do not send kids to school out of concern for their record. If you choose to keep your children home please let us know and if you have your child tested for covid-19 please let me know as soon as possible.

Each day in our building the custodial staff disinfects all bathroom surfaces and door knobs twice during school hours and once after. We have ample soap and towels for children to wash their hands. Teachers are disinfecting computer keyboards and tables twice a day with wipes or sprays to make sure that we reduce the potential for infection. 

Today in advisory we handed out the NYC health department's essential information about coronavirus so that all ICE kids have basic scientific information about the virus and how to help prevent transmission. We redacted information about telecommuting and other adult-focused info. Here is the link:  Coronavirus Fact Sheet.

On Monday after school we will continue our discussions of contingency plans and finalize arrangements for student learning in the event that ICE is closed for any period of time. At this time there is no indication there will be a large scale closure, but as you all know new information becomes available daily. I will reach out if any related information comes available and I will communicate ICE's plan for learning for any student not attending school. 

I wish everyone some peace as you think this all through. Please let me know if you decide to keep children home from school and please expect more updates from me in the near future.

Take Care



The New York State math and ELA tests are coming up in less than a month. Schools are required to give them, but your child is not required to take them. Last year, 90% of ICE families refused (aka "opted out" of)  the tests for their children. If you would like to refuse for your 6th, 7th, or 8th grader, please fill out this form. ICE PAC parents* will distribute more info re middle school grade reps in coming weeks, but in the meantime, if you are curious about the opt out movement, check out or NYC Opt Out on Facebook

*This is a parent initiative, not official school policy.

As one of only about only 40 schools in the state that have a waiver from the Regents exams (except ELA), we here at ICE are outliers.The Board of Regents (the body that governs education policy in NY State) is conducting a review of the exams and their role as gatekeepers for high school graduation. Please consider attending one of the meetings that the BOR is hosting around the city to discuss this very important issue. This blog post has a link to a list of meeting dates and locations, as well as a fact sheet, prepared by New York State Allies for Public Education, that makes a compelling case for why exit exams are damaging.

Family Contributions

Family contributions are the biggest source of income for the ICE Parent Association and provide crucial funding for the project-based education that makes ICE so special. Thanks to the 100+ families that have donated so far this year we have raised about 75% of our family contribution goal. If you have not donated yet it is not too late…PLEASE CLICK HERE TO DONATE TODAY! In order to meet the needs of every child at I.C.E. we need your participation. Every donation makes a difference; no amount is too small.
Your contributions support: 

  • professional development for our teachers

  • special equipment such as an EEG helmet for students conducting neuroscience experiments and the laser cutter and 3D printer that enhance our math curriculum

  • instructors and materials for art, music, and drama electives

  • classroom supplies for hands-on science projects like 6th grade dissections, 7th grade rollercoasters, and 8th grade ecosystems, and the hydroponic garden.

  • financial assistance that enables every child to participate in overnight trips each year

  • support for overseas travel to Nepal and Malaysia for 11th and 12 graders

  • funding for our college office, including financial aid for college application fees and SAT prep for HS students

  • coaching, fees, equipment, and uniforms for our 17 sports teams

  • alumni tutoring programs

  • and MORE!

Can you donate today and help us provide this support? All donations are completely tax deductible. The kids thank you!